The menstrual cycle holds the capacity to be a vitalizing force in your body, spirituality, creativity, and our society as a whole--but this isn’t mainstream. Women aren’t taught about power.

In this episode:
-what is menstrual cycle awareness and whyyy is Brooke talking
about this publicly ugh this is too personal?

-the four seasons of the menstrual cycle and how leaning into each one can make you feel more creative + alive

-easy ways to experiment with cyclical living now (so you can be shocked and blown away by the changes in your life + creativity!)

Crazy Confident Family Photographer: How To Get Natural, Loving Images Every Time

Love Soaked Retreat + Mastermind Fall 2021/Spring 2022 Application:

Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power