Melissa Mogdans is a consultant, coach and fire walk instructor based in the United States. Melissa has spent 15 years in small business finances which has helped her gain an in-depth understanding of the common threads of bookkeeping and finances in various kinds of businesses, as well as personal money management and lifestyle choices. Melissa decided to broaden her understanding of the power of the mind, after her first fire walk in 2016, when her footprints were left visible on asphalt from where she walked across after participating in a firewalk.

Through special development classes, she grasps a new paradigm about how people can develop the mindset that permits them to live the life they deserve in balance with both the natural and spiritual laws. To strengthen her knowledge about personal and business development, she became certified in Access Bars ® and also attended Sundoor Firewalk Instructor Certification and Spiritual Leadership program in early 2018.

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Disclaimer: Do not attempt fire walk/arrow breaking/rebar bending without a trained facilitator or instructor supervision. Proper training and supervision is necessary for safety. Light Code Consulting and Melissa Mogdans are not responsible or liable for injuries or damage to individuals and/or property for conducting any unauthorized fire walk or fire walk or arrow breaking workshop done by any individual or organization who does not have expressed written permission by Light Code Consulting and Melissa Mogdans. Dwelling with Purpose is trademarked and may not be distributed or reproduced without expressed written permission.