Today Deni is talking with Michi from the SpoonBenders Cafe

"I have struggled with deep depression for most of my life.  

I always felt I had a mission and I always felt I was falling short.

I judged myself mercilessly.  I was never enough.  Going to bed at night meant facing the flaws and faults I hadn’t been able to erase or overcome in the day.

Waking up in the morning, before I even got out of bed I was already exhausted  just from last night’s list and the thought of the struggle of the coming day?

When life feels like some endless set of trials and tests, standards and measurements that are out of reach it is depressing, and can make you wonder  what is the point. I often wondered why would I want to stay.  I often didn’t have a good answer.

This was true for me for many years.  Even as a seven year old I felt I wasn’t good enough, strong enough, didn’t fit with others and didn’t measure up for myself

It took many years of counseling, personal growth, anti-depressants and love to keep my head above those murky waters.  I managed.  Still there was something crucial missing.  I didn’t really trust myself, I didn’t really like myself.

With  years of therapy I figured  I “knew” myself right? Not exactly."---  Read more here!