Love and Relationships
Health and Well Being
Freedom and Fulfillment
Passion and Purpose

The Power of the Heart to Connect and Heal

Just as an acorn contains all the information to become an oak tree, you were born with a user's manual for your life - including purpose, well-being, and peace of mind - right inside your own heart.

Sheva Carr is a Visionary, Humanitarian, Creator, Lover of Life, Author, Speaker and the Founding CEO of Heart Ambassadors.  She is also the Co-Vice President and UN Delegate Leader for the United Nations Peace Messenger Organization “Pathways to Peace.”

Sheva helps people all over the world learn how to access heart intelligence and peace of mind, to receive the benefits of the heart’s impact on their relationships, health, performance, creativity, contribution, legacy, social change, and the building of a global culture of peace. She is honored to COLLABORATE with an incredible team of colleagues and friends at Heart Ambassadors. 

 HeartMath Institute is committed to helping awaken the Heart of Humanity.  “They believe that when we align our hearts and minds and connect with others, we awaken the higher Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual capacities that frequently lie dormant.

 Today, you will learn about the power and intelligence of the intuitive heart and how heart-based living empowers co-creation with others for the benefit of you and others.

Websites & Community:


Gift: Shift to the Heart Course - Beginners Course

Description below in first link then second link is your gift link.

IMPORTANT: After you fill out information ~ "2nd step is to email [email protected] with subject "Heart Soul Wisdom gift"  with your name and phone number to receive course instructions and the live call dates, times and access numbers."

Tools for Stress:

Global Coherence Initiative: HTTPS://WWW.HEARTMATH.ORG/GCI

Moira's Website:

HSW Community:

Reiki Sessions:

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