Angelic Guidance ~ Messages from the Angels (Replay) Part Two

•Love and Relationships
•Health and Well Being
•Freedom and Fulfillment
•Passion and Purpose

Adria is a conscious channel of angels, Lemurians, and other beings who wish to assist humanity. She is also a medium, shaman, and animal communicator. Adria shares the powerful message “Sometimes we want something so dearly, that if we have tried for it before we tuck it away inside a treasure box of wishes too precious to look at or even consider. It is time in the evolution of humanity for each one of us to open those new gifts to ourselves. It is time to receive and complete the wishes of the past if they are still resonant for your empowered being”. Adria channels for clients around the world.


Gift: Audio Recording: Come out of Fear

Angel Raphael takes us through exercises to bring ourselves out of the collective fear experience.

Topics include:

Practices for coming out of fear in the heart and gutThe sovereignty to choose our circumstanceDiscerning the difference between false fearCome out of the cloud of collective fearAngelic light to lighten the residue of fear in youWhat to do about others around us in fearChoosing what to receive into our experienceCreating the opposite of what you fear

To download the free gift, go to

Special Discount: 10% off your first individual session with Adria, enter the code MOIRA44 in the notes field when you schedule (new clients only).


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