You have been in relationship since the moment you were born. You have been instinctually and unconsciously connecting with other human beings. Letting instinct guide your relationships may have worked at one point in your life, but most likely, it hasn’t always served you well. It turns out that relationship have a natural course of development. Understanding how relationships work best, as well as the purpose they serve, can help you be much more intentional and successful in connecting with others.

Join us as we explore the different types of relationships and different forms of connection that are available to us with relationship expert and co-host of this episode, Jennifer Miller. We will answer such questions as: What is the difference between a friend and an acquaintance? What makes someone a best friend instead of just a good friend? Do you know who is in your inner circle? Do you have the right people in it?

Jennifer Miller is a Christian pastor, counselor, and author who has dedicated her career to helping individuals, couples, and families strengthen their faith and their relationships.

Her new book, “No Longer Two: A Guide to How God Created Men, Women, and Marriage,” available on Amazon, is a compilation of all the wisdom she has gained and shared over the years on what truly makes relationships work.

In addition to teaching and writing on marriage and family topics, she serves as the Co-Executive Director of The Center for Living Well, a nonprofit Christian wellness ministry, based in Phoenix, Arizona with divisions in Canada and Michigan.

Learn more about Jennifer at and

Piano solo by David Nevue.