Each week The Alchemy Sisters discuss a new topic. Topics are loose, as they like to allow spirit to guide the conversation. All discussions are in relation to the multiverse, healing, navigating life, and the divine energies. Through their own wisdom, as well as, special guests, they intend to bring awareness, clarity, knowledge, and free healing to their listeners.

Jennie McDaniel and Mandee Elam are Healers who help people to initiate healing through their psychic and spiritual gifts. They believe that in order to continue to balance the divine energies within each soul and the planet, we must raise the consciousness and awareness of the people. Their mission is to shift our energy by raising the heart over the ego and bringing balance to each soul.

This week we are honored to host a discussion with Shamanic Practictioner Sarah Dole! Sarah explains on her website www.sarahdole.com that Shamanic healing integrates our every day experience with the spiritual realm. Sarah is a shamanic healer and teacher grounded in more than 40 years of spiritual practice. She brings ancient wisdom to help you go beyond conscious limitations.Since 2000, Sarah has been offering healing and instruction to hundreds of people through workshops and healing sessions. Through meditation, shamanic journeying, and healing techniques, Sarah helps you achieve higher understanding for sharper clarity, deeper connection, and a stronger sense of self.amanic healing helps you navigate more easily through crisis, trauma, surgery, divorce, and grief and loss. Having practiced more than 20 years as a shamanic healer, Sarah can help you open your heart to the wisdom of the universe for positive change in your relationships, your health, your whole self — mind, body, and soul.