Welcome to Season 3 of The Alchemy Sisters! A live online radio show and podcast designed to create community and bring like-minded people together for an interview style audio experience. The Alchemy Sisters, Jennie McDaniel and Mandee Elam intend to bring shining stars from all over the world to a safe space of ultimate organic truth.  Each week we host a special human with magical skills and knowings. These special humans tend to be healers, teachers, and seekers. Wayshowers to our future. This week we are honored to host a discussion with Monica Jacqueline.

Monica Jacqueline is an Alchemist, Radical Truth Seeker, Wayshower, and New Earth Visionary Holder. Monica survived a very serious and aggressive cancer. She was able to heal herself without traditional therapies and openly shares her experience. Monica is also a small business entrepreneur. She works in the industries of Cannabis, Rentals, and Resume Building. Though Monica is a successful business owner, her heart now calls her to spend time outside of work helping others to navigate naturopathic healing options. Monica is also a fierce advocate and is not afraid to dive deep into the underbellies of society to expose radical truth.


