Welcome to Season 3 of The Alchemy Sisters! A live online radio show and podcast designed to create community and bring like-minded people together for an interview style audio experience. The Alchemy Sisters, Jennie McDaniel and Mandee Elam intend to bring shining stars from all over the world to a safe space of ultimate organic truth.  Each week we host a special human with magical skills and knowings. These special humans tend to be healers, teachers, and seekers. Wayshowers to our future. This week we are honored to host a discussion with Maegan Bell!

Maegan Bell is a survivor of sex trafficking turned activist. She has found freedom in facing her pain. God & the universe are using her story and scars for a purpose. Maegan’s goal is to turn her darkness to light for her community to help out our youth, teens, and women. Maegan founded Angel Warrior in 2020 to support her community through education and prevention on sex trafficking. She is currently writing her memoir “country roads take me home.” Maegan is a light worker and a true angel walking this earth.

Instagram @angelwarriormae


