Welcome to Season 3 of The Alchemy Sisters! A live online radio show and podcast designed to create community and bring like-minded people together for an interview style audio experience. The Alchemy Sisters, Jennie McDaniel and Mandee Elam intend to bring shining stars from all over the world to a safe space of ultimate organic truth.  Each week we host a special human with magical skills and knowings. These special humans tend to be healers, teachers, and seekers. Wayshowers to our future. This week we are honored to host a discussion with Kaycee Flowers, Astrologer, Intuitive, and Shitposter!

Kaycee Flowers is someone that you want to know. She is intelligent, hilarious, and has a hard time writing her own bios. But, for real, she's been on her spiritual journey since 2006. She's gone through many ebbs and flows of interests since then... But one thing has stayed the same: Her connection to the Internet. Over the last decade, Kaycee has been drawn to uniting people from all over the world via the Internet. She has used this powerful tool to manage successful pages, run businesses, and produce community. Kaycee has consistently generated measurable growth in the businesses and nonprofits she has lended her social media expertise to. That being said, she states that her proudest accomplishment is in being a part of the thousands of interpersonal relationships between members of her community. You can find Kaycee's groups on Facebook. Right now, she is regularly posting on "Love & Light Shitposting" and "The World Now." She releases new videos weekly on her Facebook page Sacred Flowers, and on her YouTube at Kaycee Flowers. https://www.facebook.com/SacredFlowers
