Welcome to The Alchemy Sisters! On 2.24.2020 we host a discussion with Jan Mundo. As a 1960s bohemian teenager attending services in synagogue, Jan had an “aha” divine transmission moment” where she realized she was connected directly to God/Universal Consciousness instead of needing intermediary clergy. Later influenced by psychedelic experiences, eastern philosophies, and esoteric spiritual teachers and disciplines she delved into the exploration of the interconnectedness of all living beings. She developed the Mundo Method hands-on headache relief therapy in 1970. In 1992, she codified the Mundo Method into self-care instructions, created a mind-body self-care headache management program, and began teaching her program to private clients and holding classes at medical centers, universities, corporations, and conferences — including Kaiser Permanente, Stanford University, UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, New York Headache Center, Apple, LinkedIn, U.S. Association for Body Psychotherapy, and the worldwide online Embodiment Conference. Mundo’s mission is to awaken headache and migraine sufferers to their own capacity for self-healing. Her self-illustrated book, The Headache Healer’s Handbook published by New World Library in 2018, teaches readers how to do it. Her writing and interviews about her work are published in books, magazines, online, in podcasts, and on the radio. https://theheadachecoach.com.  

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