Welcome to Season 3 of The Alchemy Sisters!

A live online radio show and podcast designed to create community and bring like-minded people together for an interview style audio experience. Jennie McDaniel and Mandee Elam intend to bring shining stars from all over the world to a safe space of ultimate organic truth.  Each week we host a special human with magical skills and knowings. These special humans tend to be healers, teachers, and seekers. Wayshowers to our future. This week we are honored to host a discussion with Cynthia Martin!

Cynthia Martin is known as the Personal Freedom Activator, specializing in Quantum Energy Healing, Spiritual Life & Mindset Coaching dedicated to Empowering Women to heal and break through the plateau of personal and spiritual growth to achieve their highest potential for success and happiness. She is the CEO of Lumiere Energy Healing and Co-Founder of Emerging Sisterhood a global collaboration . Cynthia ia the Creator of the Soul Alignment Success SystemTM programs designed to empower awakened and awakening women to unlock their untapped potentials for holistic success. In addition, she is Certified Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Life Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher and trained in many more Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology modalities .Above all Cynthia is the proud mama of two new earth daughters Sophia and Samantha.


