Crystal Jordan, also known as the Mid Mitten Medium out of Charlotte Michigan, is an empathic medium that has been seeing spirit her entire life.  After years of suppressing her gifts out of fear, emotional and physical trauma, she had a healing done by Pat Longo out of Long Island, NY. and started channeling in 2012. Since then, she has been perfecting her gifts by helping others with loss, clarity, self healing and an overall understanding of life through the perspective of spirit. 

Co-host Mandee ELam is a gifted spiritual healer that helps people initiate healing in themselves with her own psychic and spiritual gifts. She believes that in order to continue to balance the divine energies within each soul and the planet, we must raise our level of consciousness and awareness. Her mission is to shift all energy on the planet by raising the heart over the ego and bringing balance to one beautiful soul at a time. 

H2 Healing for Mind, Body and Soul Twin Flame couple Holly Greene and Harley Miller met in the summer of 2018. As their friendship flourished, it became apparent that they were going to be more than just friends. Visions, messages and synchronicities were becoming more and more frequent, then it was confirmed by Holly’s mentor that they were in fact Twin Flames. The two of them became aware that some sensitives can’t have caffeine, sugar or alcohol, which doesn’t leave us with many options. Harley and Holly developed herbal blends that are comforting, nurturing, Energy Healing infused and 100% organic. Holly and Harley specialize in Energy Healing and Medical Intuition. They scan and heal energy systems, receive channeled messages from Spirit, Spirit Guides, Angels and other celestial beings. They are also gifted in Energetic Cord cuttings, Heart Center activations, Negative Entity Removal and Divine Feminine Activation. H2 also provides Ascension and Empath coaching and Spiritual teaching.