Intermittent Silence/Stillness | Observer & Participant | Faith & Harmony |  Feeling of Oneness | Let go; let God | Flow with Nature | Be with Nature | Be Nature | Taoism

Experience | What have I learned? | What have I learned about me? | What is my lesson in this experience? How do I learn and grow from this experience? Expand my awareness/consciousness, elevate my frequency, attract greater experiences.

Use your desire to benefit your journey | Wish for availability throughout the day for Intermittent Stillness | Crave Absolute Faith | Desire to flow as, in, and with Harmony

Forgive | Release all baggage | Let go and let God | Grow and Flow with Nature | Growth stems from Faith | Surrender and flow with Harmony | ISness  NOWness  ONEness

There is nothing outside of myself | I am not separate from God | God is not separate from me | God and me is I | There is no separation | Separation is an illusion | Cycle of Nature: Growth, Death, Rebirth

Faith + Harmony = Love | Think, Believe, Feel, Trust, Know, Confidence/Faith, Demonstrating, Being | Do everything in Love ~ 1 Cor. 16:14