God is Consciousness, and so am I. There is no separation between God and I, and yet, many of us still feel disconnected, why?

In this episode Sonya Spirit discusses Consciousness from its' individual embodiment and the upwardly spiraling hierarchy of frequency vibrations. We can tune ourselves to higher levels of consciousness, imagination, inspiration, and intelligence. Pursuit of higher levels will guide us to a spiritual path or exposure to several paths.

If I want a change in my life, I am the one to change. I am a conscious, and creative being with the power and potential authority to constructively, proactively create my life/reality/world, not selfishly but for the betterment of of all.

Is something weighing on your mind or heart? Call in to 323.642.1188 and perhaps we (you, me & I) can figure it out.

God, Spirit Guides, and Wayshowers: Guide the way to my unfolding day expressing it in a harmonious array. Namaste.