There are no accidents, coincidences, or happenstances. Everything serves a purpose, whether we are cognizant of it or not.

Our planet is undergoing a global pandemic, economic turmoil, climate corrections, protests for racial equality, etc.

Our external world is a reflection of our collective consciousness. And our consciousness is undergoing a transformation of Being, pregnant with love, the gift of sharing, and infinite possibilities. 

In this episode, Sonya Spirit discusses the art & science of change and transformation in tumultuous times, and harmonious ways in which we can receive, integrate, and expess these changes. Do what is comfortable to you: campaigning, meditating, organizing, protesting, praying, letter-writing, or just everyday being kind.

Now is the time to soul-search, to forgive and release all adverse energies and ill-will. Now is the time to clear your head and cleanse your heart to naturally receive, flow with, and be an agent or angel of change.


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