Join Mandee and Sam for a heartfelt conversation about permaculture and susatainablity. Mandee Elam is an Intuitive Empowerment Guide, Spiritual Teacher, and Reiki Practitioner. Mandee helps souls to overcome fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, sadness, and grief, and transmute them into peace, self love, purpose, and joy through her teachings. 

With a lifetime of gardening from backyards to community gardens to micro-farming Sam Groff teaches how permaculture and education are intertwined. There is no direct line in learning. We all learn through a variety of means. Gardening and farming are very similar. When looking at life and education through the lens of permaculture you begin to see how everything is interconnected. Permaculture is a systematically developed agricultural ecosystem intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient. While learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught. Both are intended to be lifelong activities building on the foundational elements to create a thriving environment. Sam loves getting to know people. She loves discussing everything from the existential side of things, permaculture, education or the practical aspects of rebuilding post-COVID. You can click on this link for a free 30-minute virtual coffee or learn more about Sam and OmniBiz Services, LLC at