Creating Heaven on Earth is a discussion about grounding our collective vision of Heaven to Earth. What the difference is between the 5D and 3D. What we can do as individuals to assist the collective ascension. Join Mandee and Martin for a heart lead conversation about navigating and embodying concepts of New Earth.

Martin McNicholl is a loving, compassionate, raw, authentic mentor and messenger who inspires, empowers, and serves those ready to awaken and remember true freedom, abundance, and joy. Having overcome adversity of separation, fear and addiction, Martin, understands and knows people's real life challenges and guides them to remember the truth of their wholeness, perfection, and divinity regardless of their life circumstances now. Martin is here to serve a global family of sisters and brothers to align with their mission and purpose on Earth by giving simple, fun, and practical guidance, by recognising ourselves as the true source of health, wholeness, and peace within, we impact, influence, and co-create the world without. 

Mandee Elam is an Intuitive Empowerment Guide, Spiritual Teacher, Podcast Host, Reiki Practitioner, and Co-Founder of Heart Over Ego Radio. Mandee helps souls to overcome fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, sadness, and grief, and transmute them into peace, self love, purpose, and joy through her teachings. Mandee also works closely with the Angelic Realm, Magdalene Consciousness, and receives messages about the Collective Spiritual Ascension.