Creating Heaven on Earth is a discussion about grounding our collective vision of Heaven to Earth. What the difference is between the 5D and 3D. What we can do as individuals to assist the collective ascension. Join Mandee and Jen for a heartfelt conversation about the New Earth. 

Mandee Elam is an Intuitive Empowerment Guide, Spiritual Teacher, Podcast Host, Co-Founder of The Alchemy Sisters, and Reiki Practitioner. Mandee helps souls to overcome fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, sadness, and grief, and transmute them into peace, self love, purpose, and joy through her teachings. Mandee also works closely with the Angelic Realm, Divine Feminine Consciousness, and receives messages about the collective spiritual ascension.

Jen Dodson offers Multidimensional Healing through the Alchemy of Being! What truly nourishes us is our highest joy, living our purpose and expressing the fullness of who we truly are. When we embark on the path of healing we begin to remember that all the wisdom we were searching for is actually found inside . . . it’s inside all of us and when we begin to heal ourselves we help to heal the collective.