Creating Heaven on Earth is a discussion about grounding our collective vision of Heaven to Earth. What the difference is between the 5D and 3D. What we can do as individuals to assist the collective ascension. Join Mandee and Marion for a heartfelt conversation about the New Earth. 

Mandee Elam is an Intuitive Empowerment Guide, Spiritual Teacher, and Reiki Practitioner. Mandee helps souls to overcome fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, sadness, and grief, and transmute them into peace, self love, purpose, and joy through her teachings. Mandee also works closely with the Angelic Realm, Divine Feminine Consciousness, and receives messages about the collective spiritual ascension.

For Marion Amael Hobbs, the journey to stepping into the healer role began as a child. She could see the light in others that they themselves could not see . As an adult, Marion found Reiki and started healing herself so she could assist others into their own journey of healing . Years later she became a Massage Therapist to further her practice. That practice expanded into discovering light language, the language of the soul . One of Marion's missions is to help souls see that they have this healing power within themselves . Everything she does, others can do too. She believes with love, compassion and empowerment we can all rise together. “ No matter the storylines that were set in motion, the gift of growth each choice provides becomes a greater skill set of embodied wisdom that you will carry with you into the next level of your journey “ Matt khan