In this episode Sonya Spirit compares a physical diet to a Spiritual one, and the many things one can do daily to remain focused on their spiritual growth/path.

Transitioning from a secular to a Spiritual being may not be easy but it is certainly worthwhile. From outside appearances, getting on the path, and staying on the path, seems like a lot...and it is, but it is not an instantaneous process. Everyone's journey is different; however, in the beginning many of us stubble and even fall on the path while trying to stablize one's footing.

Balance & Faith leads to Harmony

Like any successful plan of action/change, there are many small steps or things we can do daily to help us stay focused and gradually increase/expand our vibration/awareness towards Oneness.

We are all responsible for our own growth. God/Universe provide our experiences; what we do with them remains to be seen.

Learn & Grow!