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Meditation through Mat 14:22-33, please read through before you start the audio. It is recommended to be in a quiet place while listening to this audio session, also to switch off lights or close your eyes to eliminate distractions. Quiet your thoughts so you can hear, feel, smell & experience God through His Spirit in you. There is no time & space through the spirit to experience what they did in Bible times.

Bible Meditation Session 1 - Download This EpisodeMeditation through Mat 14:22-33, please read through before you start the audio. It is recommended to be in a quiet place while listening to this audio session, also to switch off lights or close your eyes to eliminate distractions. Quiet your thoughts so you can hear, feel, smell & experience God through His Spirit in you. There is no time & space through the spirit to experience what they did in Bible times.

By Carlo Merrick