Please join us in welcoming Thomas Kavanagh  to chat with Heart of Indie Radio Co-Host Emme Lentino

After performing as the lead singer for the TOP 40 album rock group I Divide for 8 years, He’s now doing things alone.  'Best Of Me' made the cut for ‘Track Of The Week’ on BBC Introducing in Devon, back in 2016. Following this, he was offered a support slot for Youtube artist  Rich Cottell on his UK headline tour. Thomas takes influences from a variety of modern pop-country/rock artists, such as The Goo Goo Dolls, The Script, and Dan + Shay.  Thomas is often praised for the diversity in his voice, showing that he can easily flip between gritty high vocal hooks and melodic lows. With the release of his debut EP Pathfinder in 2017 it had been picked up by National food retailer 'The Cooperative' which they added his lead single 'I Can Be Your Superman'  to their playlist alongside Taylor Swift, Shawn Mendes, Niall Horan, and many more across 2,000 stores.   His single releases of 'I'm Here Now' & 'l'll Wait' taken from his 2nd EP (Motion) in 2020 caused major interest. His single was an exclusive play with BBC Introducing and being picked up by KERRANG! radio.  With his new single 'All For You' which Thomas has taken into his own hands, producing, writing, mixing, and mastering from his home studio. He's now focusing on another record and he's now hoping that 2021, is going to pave the way for bigger and better things for him