Join co host Emme Lentino as she chats with Darryl Baser!

Darryl Baser began writing a music column for the Otago Daily Times  in 1997 as a contributor,  then in 2000 a full time position came up in  the paper's newsroom,  as an editorial assistant. He applied and was  successful. In late 2003 he asked if he could have a trial as a  journalist, like a cadet in the old days! They agreed and Darryl worked as a  reporter for three months. Nearing the end of the trial they said "your news  sense is good,  but your writing isn't up to par." Darryl agreed to go and  train, but as he had a young family & couldn't train in print journalism  out of town, the only course in Dunedin was in broadcast journalism.  At  the end of 2005, Darryl graduated with a  diploma in Broadcast Journalism. He  got his first role with Channel 9 in Dunedin, and coordinated their  Newsroom from late 2007 to May 2012.  He did this all the while working  at a job  as Member of Parliament for Dunedin North.

Darryl returned to broadcast journalism in May 2016 for  Channel 39, and now the Otago  Daily Times. For the last two years he has also presented the station's  news bulletin to an estimated nightly audience of up-to 30,000 viewers.