We have said it before & we will say it again… Mentorship is CRAZY important in relationships.

Okay so today we are bringing you another MINISODE with musician friends of Kait’s, Giorgi + Leo. They are phenomenal singer and songwriters who love Jesus and have been married for 8.5 years coming from both Italy and California. We are ever so glad they found one other because y’all trust us, their music is phenomenal. We are all about supporting other's dreams & would LOVE to invite you to support them on their new kickstarter campaign by visiting kickstarter.com and typing in Giorgi & Leo.

Today Kait dives in with the couple on their unique journey in dating that led to a sudden marriage and helped them to truly discover the importance of MENTORSHIP in their relationship. Above all, this was the defining factor that shaped and guided their relationship more than anything. Giorgi says it like “bringing people in to act like BUMPERS”. Everyone has gone through what you are going through to some extent. This aspect literally was life changing for the two of them.

We hope you are encouraged by this fun conversation and even more we hope you will go and support Giorgi & Leo on their new adventure to launch fresh new music over on KICKSTARTER!