Today, we are diving into our first EVER PODCAST SERIES! The next few weeks we will be covering the topics of rejection + heartbreak.

We will be talking about things like healing, abuse, soul ties, gaslighting, break ups, ALL OF IT.

And today, we are kicking it off with a really powerful conversation… How to find hope within rejection and heartbreak from the lens of being a MAN!

In many ways, men actually experience rejection in dating even more than women because typically they are typically the initiator in dating.

So for this conversation, Kait invited her good friend Alec Bevere BACK on the podcast. You might remember him from over a year ago when he came on with his brother Arden as we talked about what it looks like to be inside the mind of a single man. but today our conversation was a bit different, as Alec was willing to share a story of incredibly deep heartbreak.

Alec is a speaker, filmmaker, and co-founder to the Sons & Daughters ministry and movement. He JUST released a major film called The Love You’re Looking for via Messenger Studios! We highly recommend go checking out this incredible video. Alec and his brothers Arden, Addison, and Austin all work for Messenger International, a ministry led by their parents John and Lisa Bevere.

In this conversation today Alec opens up a past broken engagement. He tell us about what it was like to experience extreme heartbreak and how he dealt with his pain through a specific revelation from God. Kait and Alec also discuss how to handle rejection and find your identity in Christ through it.

Some themes of today’s episode:
-How to intimately feel the love of the Father within a heartbreak
-How to battle the lies of rejection sent by the enemy
-How to grieve overall, as well as how to grieve as a man.
-How to truly use scripture as your life line during a heartbreak

PS. Two things! Our family gets online access to our amazing (and FREE) Dating Resource Guides. Ever dealt with heartbreak or rejection? This is one of the biggest reasons men and women don’t get BACK out there in dating. Our team created an encouraging and healing resource to get over this fear of rejection. You can access it at :

Second thing- do you find that you need even deeper help healing and navigating the things of your past? We are huge proponents of THERAPY and are thrilled to now share with you an amazing online therapy service that is also Christian: Faithful Counseling. Vision to get 10% off your first month of therapy.