Will McInnes is the CMO at Brandwatch, a leader in digital consumer intelligence and one of Europe's most successful VC-backed software firms.

Prior to that he founded NixonMcInnes, an early innovator in social media marketing.

His book Culture Shock, published by Wiley, outlined a blueprint for practical approaches to digital transformation.

He's dad to two boys and loves riding bikes with them, exploring new places and general adventures outdoors.

In this episode, we discuss:

His journey at BrandwatchThe thrill of moving from MD of his own business to the CMO roleBeing a wing person rather than a leaderCraving team successThe body knows before the mindWalking away from business and the excitement of the new challengeHis New York adventure and taking his young family with himHaving to come home when his relationship foundered Re-integrating his life in the UKThe upsides and downsides of being demandingThe weight of working through divorceThe lack of punctuation points in lifeBeing in relentless pursuit of the next thingAccepting vs resisting ageingDifferent ways to leverage your passions as you ageOpening metaphorical doors for his sonsWearing his feelings on his sleeveThe edge of directiveness vs inclusivenessGrowing up with a very strong female role modelThe anger switch when scoring own goalsIntegrating his new relationship into life with his childrenBonding with his family through playing Rose, Thorn, Bud  

You can find out more about Will on Twitter: @willmcinnes

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