In Part I of the Father's Day Series here on the Heart Lessons Podcast, Jerrad Lopes from Dad Tired shares what it means for a husband and father to lead his family well, and to look to the perfect Father as the prime example of leadership and service to his family.

Connect with Jerrad: blog // podcast // book // facebook // twitter // instagram

Heart Lesson: Recognizing that God is a person with his own personality, thoughts, patterns, and preferences.

Click here for complete show notes

We Mention:

Dad Tired Podcast

3 Ways to Improve Your Marriage and Parenting (podcast episode)

Stop Behaving Devotional

Jesus Storybook Bible

Love and Respect (book)

Dad Tired Conference

Scriptures Mentioned:

Proverbs 4:23

1 Corinthians 13:1

Luke 11:39

1 John 1:9

Related Material:

The Heart Lessons Podcast Episode 14 (on foster care)

Ginger Hubbard

Shepherding A Child's Heart

The Power of a Praying Wife

Marriage is a Mirror, Parenting is a Magnifying Glass (blog post)

Takeaway Truths:

Three steps to leading your family well:

Humbly admit that you can't lead your family well Point your wife and kids to Jesus on a consistent basis Have integrity and follow hard after God

Behavior is always a manifestation of what is going on in the heart.

You don't need a bunch of rules to follow, you need Jesus to change your heart.

We will have three titles that extend beyond the grave: disciple, husband, and father. What do you spend your time on that does not make sense for the kingdom of God?

Take initiative and stumble your way through spiritual leadership.

The good news of the gospel is that you don't have to be the perfect daddy because you can point your kids back to the perfect daddy.

How can a wife help her husband lead well:

Create an atmosphere of humble confession Pray for him often Affirm him in his heart question that he is valuable and has what it takes.

I love you simply because you are my child just as God does not love me based on what I accomplish but simply his heart toward me.

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