Katie Bennett, author of Heavenly-Minded Mom, shares what it means to mother in light of eternity and how that truth can transform our everyday lives.

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Heart Lesson: God is holy and it is not ok for me to be unholy. He is holy so I must be holy.

Scriptures Mentioned:

John 6:68

Colossians 3:23

Hebrews 12:1-2

Galatians 1:10

2 Corinthians 12:9

Romans 12:1

Proverbs 9:10

We Mention:

Shepherding A Child’s Heart

Takeaway Truths:

I felt God leading me to make my faith my choice.

He called me to live the truth of an eternal reality and pursue the simple task of living for Him and obeying Him moment by moment.

All of our meaningless tasks are given lasting meaning because when we work hard and heartily as unto the Lord, we will receive an eternal inheritance as a reward.

It’s all passing away. Everything except how we loved, how we persevered, and how we faithfully accomplished the tasks that God laid out for us.

Determine what is best for the kingdom of God and put that above your own wants and desires.

What does it mean to throw off the things that hinder us so that we can pursue Christ with all we’ve got, running our race with perseverance?

Allow your sense of overwhelm and need drive you to the cross and ask for help.

Even if things don’t go how we expected, they went how God expected and knew it would happen. what is important is not the outcome, it is taking steps of obedience and trust in the midst of that situation.

It is important to let my children in on how I think.

Journal and Reflection Page:

Katie Bennett – Journal and Reflection Page