Today’s episode features beavered mother Courtney Hughes. Courtney lost her sweet son, Will, after a fierce 96 day battle in the NICU. From Will’s life, Courtney and her family have created The Will King Foundation – a foundation that seeks to provide heart treatment for children in need in developing countries. They have had the opportunity to sponsor three little girls in developing countries and provide them life-saving heart treatment surgeries, and they hope to sponsor many more in the future. Today you will hear more about the Will King Foundation, as well as the story of Will King Hughes, his mana Courtney’s grief journey, and how the Lord has brought really beautiful things from this story of loss.

Heart Lesson:Be patient. Trust that God has a plan.

Connect with Courtney:website// instagram// facebook // 96 Days 96 Ways

Donate to the Will King Foundation

Connect with Sarah:instagram// book


Come visit me on Saturday 5/18 from 2-4 pm at The Industrial Cottage. I will have books available to purchase and will also be happy to sign any books that you've already purchased.


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