Marshawn Evans Daniels, reinvention strategist and faith and business coach, talks about her newly released book, Believe Bigger, and encourages women to walk confidently in the purpose God has placed in their lives. We talk about the coexistence of both humility and confidence, what it means to find purpose in painful circumstances, and what it was like for her to be on Miss America. You are going to come away from this episode with a soul on fire for being ok to own whatever it is that God has called you to do.

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Heart Lesson: Having permission to go at a slower pace and find the door opening in a time of pause rather than a time of pursuit.

Scriptures Mentioned:

Philippians 4:7

Matthew 25:14-30

Proverbs 31

Ecclesiastes 2:24

Ephesians 6:10-18

Matthew 5:13-16

1 John 4:4

Psalm 139:13-14

Proverbs 18:21

Romans 12:2

Matthew 11:30

Zechariah 4:6

5 Steps to Finding Your Purpose (Purpose Map):

Discovery Talents The Gap Gifts Influence

Takeaway Truths:

Grace is what you need in the middle of battle when you're under attack.

When we see a need we can feel free to meet that need in that moment.

Believing something that seems too big to understand but believing in it anyway, that is the start of a greater purpose.

Purpose is a process. God is more concerned with our character than He is our calling and He wants us to have the capacity to fulfill our calling, so He's going to take us through a process.

Sometimes we don't know our purpose and so we just have to walk. We can't always make sense of what God is doing.

Your story will take you into a greater purpose.

God loves impossible circumstances. He loves to part the Red Seas.

His yoke is easy but we want to make it hard.

We need permission not to hide because then we are hiding what God has given us. And what if the very thing you are hiding is the very bridge someone needs to enter eternity?

God speaks in cans and not in can'ts.

Are we warrior princesses or are we not?

Christ was humble because He knew where His power came from.

Humility is about reliance and operating on an extension of who God is. Confidence is all about who we are because of who God is in us.

Godfidence is believing in the unseen and not being afraid to shine, but relying on who God has called me to be.

Giving ourselves permission allows us to take the limits off for the unlimited Holy Spirit.

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Journal and Reflection Page - Marshawn

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