Today's Guest: Melissa Reaves

Melissa Reaves is a Seattle-based executive storytelling mentor; she helps leaders shine by utilizing the power of professional storytelling skills that she uses on stages across the world. She has a new book coming out entitled How to Tell Great Stories in Business, and pre-sales are going to happen in August. 

From this episode:

"We have a responsibility when we're on stage if we've been invited to talk, no matter the situation,  to come from our authentic perspective because many people do the same thing we do. But it's our story. And the way we're teaching it and being authentic out there.  It gives goosebumps when people tell that great story. And I've seen amazing people on stage tell exceptional stories and bring you to tears, but they also bring you to laughter. It's like this balance between tears, laughter, and connection."  Dr. T

"Are they going to remember your pie chart when you leave the room? Are they going to remember the story of the problem that the customer is having that you're solving? So opening with the story, opening with the narrative is what they're going to remember. And that's then going to set up all the graphs and charts to be much more interesting, right? Because now it's not just a statistic; it now has people underneath it. And you now are more emotionally engaged. So that's more leaning in, in a business context." -Melissa Reaves