My good friend, Janet Valore, shared her testimony on the NEW EPISODE of HEARING GOD’S VOICE WITH JEFFREY PAUL & I am sure that you’ll be blessed with her story of Patience and Prayer. Especially the single ladies that are still waiting on their God’s Gift (a.k.a special someone). 

In this episode she openly and honestly shared: 

How she grew up in a Christian community but didn’t know how to have a personal relationship with God  How she willingly surrendered her life to God & how it changed her and her life How God was communicating with her during her prayer time and in her dreamsThe importance of reading the Bible as it’s God’s way of telling us what He wants to sayHer experience of praying patiently for the person that God meant for her


 The Hearing God’s Voice Podcast will inspire and empower your transformation to a more abundant life. Join us for daily Spiritual & Biblical Teachings, Inspirational Interviews, along with Health and Wellness Tips to keep the mind and body strong in faith.

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