How often do you feel hindered or stuck, waiting on God to reveal what He is trying to show you? Take a deep breath and know that all God wants you to do, is to first “TRY” to hear His Voice and make the pathway clear so He can speak to you! 

This week, we learn the important concept of “The Power of the Try”  from one of my dear friends, and the pastor of Journey Church - Pastor Jim Wilkes. 

“We feel like we have to do it perfect - but all God is looking for is for us to “try”. As Pastor Jim says, you will be amazed if you position your heart today, and say,  “God, I want to hear your Voice today. I am going to be attentive to hear the Holy Spirit”. 

As you listen to this interview you will learn about Pastor Jim's journey from the business and ministry worlds. Pastor Jim has lived a life in the foundation of God’s Word, but also has constantly lived and stepped out in total faith. He also shares about a massive career shift after the death of a family member that led him to lead a company in New Orleans assisting with rebuilding after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina... Something he knew NOTHING about, but was successful at because he obediently obeyed the Lord after listening to His voice!

Listen in as Jim and I discuss: 

How to be intentional when talking to God and hearing His VoiceHow God speaks uniquely to YOU in ways you can understand and in the degree that you allow himHow God’s Voice, guidance and wisdom will lead you through things that are opposite of what your natural mind wants to do.The small nudges from the Holy Spirit to step out in faith when things didn’t even logically make sense at that time.One of the most important concepts… God’s Peace is a confirmation of the Word of God!

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