Reset Your Life to Live the Best Life Ever

We are starting this NEW SEASON with a deep dive teaching on the theme RESET. Jeffrey Paul guides you through re-visiting your goals and re-aligning your actions towards being what God created you to be, "Christlike" .

We begin each year with the best intentions and the loftiest dreams, only to falter sometime in the middle because of a tiny discouragement, or a setback. We throw in the white towel so decisively and so soon that our goals never become a reality.

And then we wait for the next year to roll in, thinking that it’s our only way to make new goals and again try to crush them.

I’ve got news for you: You get a NEW start each and every day. In fact, you get a new start as soon as you need it. RESET & GET THAT GOAL STARTING TODAY!

The Hearing God’s Voice Podcast will inspire and empower your transformation to a more abundant life. Join us for daily Spiritual & Biblical Teachings, Inspirational Interviews, along with Health and Wellness Tips to keep the mind and body strong in faith.

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