What does it mean to be "electable"? Do voters really gravitate toward "safe" (read: white, male, and centrist) candidates? How much do policies matter to voters? And can Bernie beat Trump?

To answer these questions and debunk some persistent polling myths, Briahna talks to Malaika Jabali, a public policy attorney and writer, and Ben Tulchin, president of Tulchin Research and the campaign’s pollster.

Malaika's Current Affairs article: https://www.currentaffairs.org/2018/10/the-color-of-economic-anxiety

Rural Organizing poll on rural voters: http://ruralorganizing.org/polling-brief-2018-national-rural-survey

Pew poll on non-voters: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/06/01/dislike-of-candidates-or-campaign-issues-was-most-common-reason-for-not-voting-in-2016/