Intuitive eating is a powerful tool to help you improve your overall happiness and well-being. By tuning into your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues, you can learn to better understand your needs and make choices that honor them. This can help you break free from diet mentality and the cycle of restriction and guilt associated with it. Intuitive eating encourages you to nourish your body with a variety of nutritious foods and to honor your hunger and fullness signals. When you allow yourself to listen to these signals, you can get to know your body and its needs in a more meaningful way. Doing so can help you feel more in tune with yourself and your body, which can lead to more positive feelings. Intuitive eating can also help you cultivate more positive relationships with food, which can help reduce stress, anxiety, and guilt surrounding meal times. Additionally, it can help you start to view food and meals as enjoyable experiences rather than something to fear or restrict. All of these things can help you to cultivate more overall happiness and well-being. In today's episode I'm walking you through the real life practical use of intuitive eating with 3 very different clients.

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