Have you every noticed that after you eat chinese food you find yourself searching for food within an hour or 2? You're not alone. If the balance of protein, fat, carbohydrate (fiber) are different in meals it will influence how full you feel and how long that fullness stays. In today's episode - I'll walk you through a couple or easy experiments that can increase your awareness around what foods keep you full longer. It's also a great time to practice your ability to pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. 

If you need help with balancing the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate and fat) don't forget to download my grab and go lunch guide: https://cathyrichardsrd.com/grab-n-go-lunch-options/

Can't remember the hunger and fullness scale? Revisit episode 24: Honor your Hunger. https://anchor.fm/cathy-richards--rd/episodes/Episode-24-Intuitive-Eating-Series-Honour-Your-Hunger-e16m27k