How exactly are we impacting our own health, and the health of our future generations when we neglect the care of our oceans and waterways? Dr. John Stegemen Director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute for Oceans and Human Health (a branch of WHOI), and Dr. Scott Meschke, Associate Chair in the Department of Environment and Occupational Health Sciences at the University of Washington, will break it all down for you in the special health focused episode.

Join these special experts, as they unpack waterborne illnesses, pathogens, unsafe drinking and recreation water, chemical pollution, red tide, and beyond.

There is a deep connection between oceans and human health. This connection is seen in many ways, but largely through the seafood we delight in eating. Dr. Stegemen explores the risks of eating contaminated seafood on our bodies, minds and lives.

Our daily activities, the very activities that should help contribute to our #bluemind and benefit our health, unfortunately hold great risk when we don’t care for our waterways, drinking water and water sanitation. Dr. Meschke educates us about the different waterborne pathogens, and viruses present in our shower's water vapor, drinking water and even food rinse-water.


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