How can you incorporate small healthy habits to really create a sustainable approach to health and wellness? Holistic nutrition practitioner and weightlifting and mindset coach, Stephanie Gaudreau, talks about what these habits could be, from reframing the diet culture to weight training to cultivating mindfulness and more!

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

Steph’s own journey to better health and wellnessSteph’s core 4 pillars of healthThe things that Steph have had to unpack and unlearn for herselfWhat is wrong with the diet cultureThe bio-individual approach to nutritionSteph’s non-negotiables when it comes to health and wellnessTips and suggestions for women who want to get started in strength trainingSteph’s Fuck-It List

Key Takeaways:

A nourishing way of eating is not just what you eat, it’s how you eat it and why you eat it. It’s eating food while understanding your goals and your bio-individuality.There is a huge benefit for women when it comes to strength training that goes beyond aesthetics.There is no one correct diet that applies to everyone. There are multiple ways of doing things. The question is not whether a certain food is right, but whether it’s right for you or someone else.

Action Steps:

Reclaim your health and be free from diet rules.Make sure that you’re in line with the core 4 pillars of healthEat nourishing foods.Strengthen your body.Recharge your energy.Get your mindset right.If you’re serious about getting started in strength training, go to a place where you can learn from someone.


Steph said:

“Women are really good at thinking about eat less, move more. But oftentimes, we’re missing a lot of what I call low-hanging fruit, easy changes that we can make in these other areas or other ways of thinking about food.”

“We absorb so many things consciously, subconsciously. We’re explicitly taught things. And having awareness is a key first step… It’s just a practice of observing your own thoughts and behaviors.”


Thanks for listening!


Important Announcements:

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For all the ladies who are struggling with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s, the registration is currently open for our Healing & Dealing with Hashi’s online program.


If you want to continue the conversation in this episode, you can find me over at Instagram, @holisticwellnessfoodie, or come to hang out with me in my Holistic Wellness Private Community on Facebook.


Links to things we talk about in the show:

Check out Steph's Program, Harder to Kill ChallengeBooks by Brené Brown Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How to Make Your Life Better (and Other People's Lives Better, Too) by Gretchen Rubin The Performance Paleo Cookbook: Recipes for Training Harder, Getting Stronger and Gaining the Competitive Edge by Stephanie GaudreauSunbutter Bark Recipe


Recommended Products:

Vital Proteins Collagen Creamer in CoconutKeto Nootropic from Perfect KetoOrganic Adaptogenic Powder from Anima Mundi Apothecary


*You can get these products over at PureFeast and save 10% off of your first THREE orders over $75 + free shipping with coupon code - HOLISTICWELLNESS.


Where you can find Stephanie Gaudreau:

The Harder to Kill Club Facebook Group

Steph’s Website (Stupid Easy Paleo)

Steph’s Instagram (@steph_gaudreau)

Steph’s Facebook (@StupidEasyPaleo)


Where you can find me:

Samantha’s Facebook

Samantha’s Instagram

Samantha’s Website

Samantha’s Twitter

Holistic Wellness Private Community on Facebook


How you can work with me:

6 Week Healthy Hormones for Women Intensive - Use the coupon code podcast at checkout to save 60%.Healing & Dealing with Hashi’s


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PureFeast - Save 10% off of your first THREE orders over $75 + free shipping with coupon code - HOLISTICWELLNESS

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