Are you struggling with environmental allergies? Find out some of the natural ways that you can treat them.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

The link between hormones and histamine intoleranceThe pollen apocalypseThe 411 on histamineSeasonal allergiesSome common allergy symptoms and their underlying causesThe side-effects of over-the-counter antihistaminesWhat to avoid and what to include in your diet during allergy season


Key Takeaways:

Where you might be in your menstrual cycle and having elevated estrogen levels during your menstrual cycle can induce a histamine release in your body.There have been increases in pollen counts in the environment as one of the effects of climate change, and experts predict that allergies will get worse in the next three to five years.Histamine is a chemical compound that’s very important in our immune system and plays a vital role in the inflammation that occurs in the body.The severity of symptoms of allergic rhinitis can vary widely from season to season and can impact your day-to-day life.Your risk of suffering from seasonal allergy symptoms dramatically increases if you have an underlying medical condition, unmanaged stress, and pregnancy.Allergies are considered disorders of the immune system. The body is over-reacting to harmless substances and produces these antibodies to attack the substance, which is what is causing your symptoms.Acupuncture can reduce the symptoms associated with seasonal allergies without any side-effects.


Action Steps:

If you’re spending a lot of time outdoors and you know you’re reacting to pollen, make sure that you take a shower once you get home. If you have pets that have spent time outside the house, hose them down or wipe them down as well.Avoid the following foods that can aggravate your allergic symptoms:AlcoholCaffeineConventional dairyChocolatePeanutsSugarArtificial sweetenersProcessed foodsMelonsBananasCucumbersSunflower seedsShellfishBottled citrus juiceEchinaceaCamomileWheatSoyDried fruitsInclude the following foods in your diet during allergy season:Raw, local honeyHot and spicy foods like cinnamon, cayenne, cayenne pepper, ginger, onion, garlic, etc.Bone brothProbiotic-rich foods like kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi, and raw cheese and other raw organic dairy productsPineappleApple cider vinegarSwiss chardCarrotsYamsBeetsCabbageWild-caught salmonGood quality poultryOrganic grass-fed beef and lambFresh herbs and spicesDried herbsHorseradishTake supplements that will help to fight allergies:SpirulinaQuercetinButterburProbioticsVitamine ABromelainZincStinging nettleUse a Neti pot to relieve nasal congestion and flush out mucus.Use essential oils.Get acupuncture.Stay hydrated.Shower before bed.Wash your clothes and your bedding frequently.Consider replacing your carpets at home.Declutter.


Samantha said:

“Not all individuals have a heightened sensitivity or an allergic reaction to all pollens so it’s important to pay attention and recognize what really is triggering your allergies and the time of year they’re showing up.”

“A strong immune system is key to fighting seasonal allergies, and as we know, your immune system lives in your gut, which is why it’s so important to be supporting your gut health and your microbiome.”


Thanks for listening!


Important Announcements:

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Links to things I talk about in the show:

Save 20% off Energybits Spirulina and Chlorella at Use code - HEALTHYHORMONES Save 15% off any Organifi Products at In today's episode I spoke about the GLOW product. Use code HEALTHYHORMONES
Save 15% off North American Herb and Spice Products with coupon code HOLISTIC15%Check out the LIVALATTE Check out HEMPANOL PM


AOR - you can order online at (USA) or (CANADA). Use the code healthyhormones2020 for an extra 5% off, on top of any other discounts. Check out their My Blueprint Genetic at-home test kit


My ebooks, meal plans & guides are on sale for 20% off with the code SAVE20 - visit to explore your options. If you're looking for healthy recipe inspiration, there are a ton of meal plans + recipes available there for you to dive into. You'll get instant access so you can start cooking right away.You can get ALL Designs for Health supplements for 10% off with the code SAVE10 over at

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