Are you frustrated and fed up with struggling with unresolved hormonal health issues? Today, we dive into all things hormones with a certified naturopath, Dr. Naomi Judge, who is well-known in Australia for helping women connect the dots between their health, happiness, and hormones. Find out how a life of optimal vibrancy and joy can be your new normal!

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

Some of the common complaints and issues that women are struggling withThe impact of hormones on our cyclesThings you can do to help you gain a deeper understanding of your cycleThings that drive food sensitivitiesThe link between estrogen dominance and food intolerancesSome everyday foods that we can include in our diets to better support detoxification and our hormonal healthThe top strategies you can do to achieve your new normalThe benefits of groundingSimple things that we can do to support our adrenal healthHormones and skin health

Key Takeaways:

During our cycle, estrogen changes our immune system, so we’re more likely to get coughs and colds at certain times of the month, and we’re more likely to be more susceptible to getting allergies.When you’re looking after your hormones, the first thing you need to do is clean your bowel, your liver, and your gallbladder.Focusing on self-care is really vital to balancing your hormones. If you’re busy all the time, running from task to task, and constantly feeling stressed, your hormones are not going to get a chance to settle down and you’re going to be in your sympathetic nervous state the whole time.When your hormones are beautifully balanced, it brings you that bright, vibrant look, and it's the best way to prevent premature aging. When they are imbalanced, your looks could change drastically in a short period of time, where your skin is dry and you notice more fine lines and deeper wrinkles.

Action Steps:

Really look at things and track things that have to do with your cycle so you can understand more about it and understand what’s related to your hormones.Rather than using an app to track your cycle, write things down.Track your food sensitivities based on your cycle.Achieve your new normal:Start by balancing out your macronutrients and recognizing what a good meal is for you. Learn what meal suits you so that you can start with just having three meals a day and stop having so many snacks, stop craving sugar, and stop feeling hungry after each meal. Also, remove your trigger foods from your diet.Focus on self-care.Re-balance your nervous system:Do deep breathing exercises.Eat slowly.

Naomi said:

“You feel more in control when you understand that there are things within your control that are driving these symptoms. It’s not something that’s just happening to you… It’s because there are other things going on with your hormones that you can effectively get under control.”

“I think we’re now coming to a realization that what we need as women to get through this busy, stressful time is more focus inwards, more focus on ourselves, and more of that kind of quiet time.”

Thanks for listening!

If you have any questions that you would like answered in future Q&A episodes, you can ask me over on Instagram, @holisticwellnessfoodie, or contact me through my website. And come to hang out with me in my Holistic Wellness Private Community on Facebook.

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Links to things we talk about in the show:

Break Through! To Feeling Fantastic In A Body You Love - A 28-day program to help you transform your body from the inside out. Kickstart Free Cleanse - Listeners can claim a discount for the program normally $177 (with this code they get the 28 Day Cleanse for $99). Use COUPON CODE 99DEAL

Recommended Products:

Sun Potion products (He Shou Wu, Anandamide)

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Link to my program:

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More from Naomi Judge:

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