What are the stories and the excuses that you tell yourself? How can you step out of the limiting beliefs that are going on in the back of your head? Oliver Manalese shares how we can move forward into our future with power and possibility, and create a life with more joy, more freedom, more empowerment, and more satisfaction.

You can find all the info and links about this episode at https://holisticwellness.ca/episode65.

Topics Discussed in this Episode:

Self-care Mondays and why it’s importantWhat our excuses tell us about ourselvesHow we can get past our excusesOliver’s one-liners and what they really meanGoing to Vipassana and Oliver’s takeaways from the experience


Key Takeaways:

To Oliver, Self-care Mondays is really about creating a day where we get to rest, recharge, relax, and slow down a little bit.How you live your day is how you live your life.It’s an important practice to visualize and have an idea of where you want to aim towards, like maybe a day or a week. Sometimes it’s not really helpful to look too far into the future because we might be dealing with really challenging situations where we’re really forced to grow and stretch.When you give your word to something, deep down, if you betrayed your word, you know that your words are flimsy and that you can’t trust what you say to yourself. And that leaks into the other areas in your life.When you break down what you did to sabotage your growth, it’s a lot of subtle, tiny things that descend you into hell.As human beings, we need to feel that we’re useful, that we’re making a contribution, that we’re here for a reason, and part of that is having something to aim towards.


Action Steps:

Reinvent your relationship with Mondays.Look to nature for answers and inspiration.Spend some time vividly visualizing what you want for your life.Take a good, hard look at your excuses.Get intimate with the ways you sabotage yourself.


Oliver said:

“All meditation is, is you’re trying to understand the nature of your mind. And the nature of the mind is to constantly look forward and look backwards through time. It’s constantly trying to avoid this present moment.”

“We need to distinguish that there’s stress that we manufacture, that we make up. Because if you look at the half-life of your stress, it actually is gone within moments. But it’s us remanufacturing it... because we obsess over it in our heads.”


Thanks for listening!


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Links to things I talk about in the show:

Peaceful Cuisine YouTube Channel


Past episodes mentioned that you shouldn’t miss:

Podcast Episode 6 – Oliver Manalese – Owning Your Power, Creating Possibility & Achieving Success Without Losing Yourself


More from Oliver Manalese:

Oliver’s Instagram (@olivermanalese)

Oliver’s Facebook

Oliver’s Website

The Oliver Manalese Show


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