Summer is finally here! And it’s only fitting that we talk about the sun and its impact on our health. Here at the 5 myths that you need to know about the sun and your skin.

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Topics Discussed in this Episode:

The 5 myths you need to know about the sun and your skinThe harmful chemicals that you need to avoid in sunscreensHow to practice natural sun safetyFoods rich in antioxidants that will help nourish and protect your skinWhat products to invest in for sun protection

Key Takeaways:

It’s not true that sunscreen reduces skin cancer rates. According to the Environmental Working Group, skin cancer rates are rising despite our increase in the use of sunscreens.High SPF doesn’t mean better sun protection. SPF values refer only to UVB rays, not UVA or UVC.UVA and UVC rays penetrate more deeply into the skin and cause damage to the DNA.Sunscreens with added antioxidants are not necessarily better for you.Wearing oils with natural SPF is not enough for sun protection. If you’re not wearing something that’s broad-spectrum, you’re not blocking all of the UV rays.Although vitamin D is important for overall cancer protection and we need to get our vitamin D from sun exposure, we still need to practice sun safety.

Action Steps:

Be conscious of the harmful chemicals that may be present in your sunscreen.Be conscious of how much time you’re spending outside and how much sun exposure you’re actually getting.Practice natural sun safety. Wear long, light layers that will cover your skin, as well as a hat and sunglasses.Choose all-natural, organic sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection.


Samantha said:

“UV radiation, it increases free radical damage in our bodies, but antioxidants counteract that free radical damage. So you want to make sure you are including antioxidant-rich foods [in your diet] that are really going to help nourish and protect your skin.”

“Our life on this planet needs sunshine and it’s not the enemy. It’s just practicing safe sun protection and being conscious about our time spent out in the sun. It is vital that we get sun exposure, and it really isn’t the problem.”

Thanks for listening!


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Links to things I talk about in the show:


Recommended Brand and Products:

Living LibationsSeabuckthorn Best Skin EverEverybody Loves the SunBadger Organic sunscreenGreen Beaver Organic SunscreenGoddess Garden OrganicsBeautycounter sunscreen


Sponsor Links:

Clean Beauty U - Use the code beautycare to save 50%


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