How can you incorporate a clean keto diet approach to supporting and balancing your hormones as well as losing weight? Nutritionist and mompreneur Lesya Holzapfel shares her tips and strategies, especially for busy moms.


You can find all the info and links about this episode at



Topics Discussed in this Episode:

Overcoming sugar addiction and going sugar-freeStrategies for hormone regulationAddressing adrenal burnoutThe keto diet and doing it the right wayKeto carb cyclingThe scale weightMindset work


Key Takeaways:

The premise of the keto diet is to help people understand the effect of eating too many carbs, especially highly processed, refined carbs, and too much sugar. It helps regulate your hormones and helps your body transition to only burning glucose for fuel to fat for fuel, and allowing you the flexibility to do both later on.Two important things to take into account when it comes to weight loss are sleep and stress.It’s never a good idea to measure your weight when you’re on your period.The scale doesn’t always give us the full picture when it comes to our weight loss journey. It doesn’t take into account water and sodium retention and hormonal fluctuations.


Action Steps:

Have a morning routine that sets up your whole day for success.Practice meditation.Keep a journal.Don’t take scale weight at face value.Don’t listen to your negative thoughts.Know your WHY.Surround yourself with people that can support you and get plugged into a community


Lesya said:

“My mindset was ‘What’s the lowest hanging fruit?’...So I looked at my food, and I looked at ‘What is it that I’m eating now that’s disrupting my gut?”


“I realized that the only way to beat sugar addiction is to quit sugar… You have to give it up.”


Thanks for listening!


Important Announcements:

If you haven’t downloaded our FREE 5 Day Sugar Detox Challenge yet, download it now! It’s so easy to follow and you’re going to love it.


Sign up for our newsletter at! And don’t forget to connect with me over on Instagram, @holisticwellnessfoodie. Let me know if there’s anything you’d love for me to expand on. It would also mean so much if you would leave us a rating or a review at any podcast platform that you’re listening to us on.



Links to things I talk about in the show:

Save 20% off Energybits Spirulina and Chlorella at Use the code HEALTHYHORMONES.Save 15% off ALL Organifi products at Check out the NEW Organifi Harmony Women's Hormone Balancing Blend. Use the code HEALTHYHORMONES.Check out CANPREV products across Canadian Health Food Stores and online at - I personally LOVE their MYCO10 and Collagen powder. They’re great to add to smoothies and elixirs. Also, check out their product ADRENAL CHILL for supporting the adrenal glands and helping your body better adapt to stress.Head to your local health food store and check out some amazing products from Garden of Life. Garden of Life Plant Iron and Herbs and their vegan vitamin D3 spray are two fantastic products - https://www.gardenoflife.comHolosync:


Where you can find Lesya Holzapfel:

Lesya’s Website (BSB Tribe)

Lesya’s Instagram (@eatbefitexplore)

BSB Tribe's Instagram (@bsbtribe)

Lesya’s Podcast (Fit Moms Squad Podcast)

Lesya’s Facebook


Where you can find me:

Samantha’s Instagram

Samantha’s Facebook

Samantha’s Website

Samantha’s Twitter

Healthy Hormones for Women Podcast Private Community on Facebook


How you can work with me:

6-Week Healthy Hormones for Women Intensive - Get 60% off when you enroll today!Healing & Dealing with Hashi’s

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