How much do you know about PCOS? In this episode, I’m going to break it down to help you get a better understanding of the four different types of PCOS and talk about the symptoms that are often associated with them.

You can find all the info and links about this episode at

Topics Discussed in this Episode:

What is PCOSWhat causes PCOSThe 4 types of PCOS and their symptomsTests that you can do for PCOS


Key Takeaways:

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine system disorders affecting women and affects about 1 in 10 women of child-bearing age.The principal symptom of PCOS is typically irregular periods. Other symptoms include excess facial or body hair, thinning hair, infertility, adult acne, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, food cravings, hair loss, headaches, inflammation, insulin resistance or diabetes, low progesterone, pelvic pain, periods with no ovulation, recurring miscarriages, and weight gain.Contrary to the name, ovarian cysts don’t cause PCOS. Ovarian cysts are a symptom of the hormonal chaos that’s happening in the body that’s associated with PCOS, but the presence of cysts alone is not enough to diagnose PCOS.The 4 types of PCOS:Insulin-resistant PCOSPost-pill PCOSInflammatory PCOSAdrenal PCOSInsulin-resistant PCOS accounts for up to 70% of cases where there is a decreased ability to manage your blood sugar properly.Post-pill PCOS is often caused by a surge in androgen after you quit hormonal birth control.Chronic inflammation can suppress ovulation and stimulate your ovaries to make more androgen. An overproduction of insulin can do the same thing.If your DHEAS is elevated but your testosterone and other androgenic hormones are in the normal range, this could indicate adrenal PCOS.


Action Steps:

Work with a qualified practitioner and ask for appropriate testing like the c-reactive protein (CRP) test.


Samantha said:

“Identifying your PCOS type can really help you to discover your root cause and what steps you can take to support your body.”

“Don’t guess. Do some testing and really work with a qualified practitioner.”


Thanks for listening!


Important Announcements:

Join our Healthy Hormones Monthly Recipe Club for $9 a month! Not only do you get the meal plan but also the Pumpkin Recipe Ebook and the Thanksgiving Guide.


Don’t forget to connect with me over on Instagram, @holisticwellnessfoodie. Let me know if there’s anything you’d love for me to expand on. It would also mean so much if you would leave us a rating or a review at any podcast platform that you’re listening to us on.

Links to things I talk about in the show:

Interested in learning more about my ALIGN & LEAD BUSINESS MENTORSHIP Program? Email me at [email protected]


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Save 15% off ALL Organifi products at Check out Organifi Immune to help support your body during the cold and flu season. Use code HEALTHYHORMONES for your 15% savings


Save 20% off ALL Alitura Naturals SkinCare at The Clay Mask is the BEST!! 


Save 20% off Energybits Spirulina and Chlorella at Use code - HEALTHYHORMONES


Save 15% storewide on LeesTea and LeesGhee (the one chai is my absolute fav!). Use code HEALTHYHORMONES


Check out CANPREV products across Canadian Health Food Stores and online at - I personally LOVE their MYCO10 and Collagen powder. They are great to add to smoothies and elixirs.


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