How well do you know your site? If you're planning a renovation or building a new home, you need to know it REALLY well.   You need to spend time on your property conducting a site analysis.   A site analysis is probably one of my favorite things to do. I realize I say this for a lot of things when it comes to design, but this one I love because I get to be outside and just look around.   Imagine if your home was filled with beautiful, warm sunlight all day long. Imagine if it felt like an extension of the outdoors. Imagine if in the winter time, ice didn't constantly build up along your walkway, and in the spring the threat of water coming into your basement wasn't a concern. Imagine if the neighbor's blaring music wasn't waking you up in the morning, or the street light outside wasn't shining directly into your bedroom window.   To make sure these dreamy things become a reality for your home, you need to conduct a site analysis. It's the first step to make sure your home is going to be comfortable, healthy and safe.   The sad thing is, it's rare for a new home being built to go through a site analysis before it's designed and plopped onto the site. This is why most homes have annoying issues like bad daylighting, neighboring noises, ground water concerns, views being blocked, over heating etc. etc. etc.   So what exactly is a site analysis and how do you conduct one? make sure to listen to this week's episode of The Healthy Home Design Podcast to find out.   What You'll Discover What is a site analysis? When do you conduct a site analysis? Why is a site analysis so important? What do you need to do before you begin? What should you be observing? What should you be recording?   Helpful Links: Climate Data Website: