Set your little one up for a lifetime of healthy nutrition.Building good nutrition practices from an early age can help create healthy dietary patterns that last a lifetime. But, how challenging does it actually have to be? 

Fight colds and flu with Hydralyte. Rapid and complete hydration, suitable for all ages and doctor recommended. Use code “hydrakid” to save 30% - sponsor

There are simple, stress-free ways to set your children up for success. Help them develop healthier eating habits by introducing them to variety when you start them on solid foods. Invite your children to be engaged and invested in mealtimes at a young age.

Listen as Dr. Natalie Muth joins Melanie Cole, MS, to discuss how to get your children eating healthier. 


Fight colds and flu with Hydralyte. Rapid and complete hydration, suitable for all ages and doctor recommended. Use code “hydrakid” to save 30%