Our fan favorite, Bill Sardi, is back for his monthly download of important health information. For one thing, it seems that there is a whole lot we do not know about how vitamin C works. His article on that miracle of God's vitamin C. Of course, we will also at least briefly cover the latest news on the pandemic. Here is Sardi's Lew Rockwell Article on Covid-19 changes.  Mr. Sardi suggested a short interview with health educator Peggy Hall on her facts and concerns about masks.

Mr. Sardi is our resident answer man about nutrition. He is commercially involved in the following products that we are delighted to advertise on HBN: Molecular Multi 800-247-5731, Longevinex 866-405-4000, Formula 216 24/7 vitamin C / 833-848-2216; Garligest for heartburn and Garlinex 866-674-3955). email – [email protected].