As usual, investigative journalist and passionate truth-seeker, Bill Sardi will bring us news from the cutting edge. Surveys show that about half of Americans eagerly await a covid-19 vaccine. However, the issue is not clear and so, an equal number dread it or are at least very cautious. Mr. Sardi wants to tell us what is wrong with the “informed consent” forms that will come along with the shots and offer an alternative to the current forms. He’ll also tell you how to avoid “compulsory” vaccination, if that is your choice. We will likely discuss the ideal zinc lozenge to take if you are ill. Recent Sardi articles of interest: Apprehension over Coming out of Lockdown Far Exceeds Any Imagined Risk. And Resveratrol, Immunity and Vaccination.

Lively health educator Peggy Hall will return with the latest on the mask/no mask controversy.. Her video on OSHA and oxygen.

Mr. Sardi is our resident answer man about nutrition. He is commercially involved in the following products that we are delighted to advertise on HBN: Molecular Multi 800-247-5731, Longevinex 866-405-4000, Formula 216 24/7 vitamin C / 833-848-2216; Garligest for heartburn and Garlinex 866-674-3955). email – [email protected].